Certara, Inc. (NASDAQ:CERT) Short Interest Update

Certara, Inc. (NASDAQ:CERTGet Free Report) was the recipient of a large growth in short interest during the month of October. As of October 31st, there was short interest totalling 5,360,000 shares, a growth of 31.4% from the October 15th total of 4,080,000 shares. Currently, 4.8% of the shares of the stock are short sold. Based on an average daily trading volume, of 1,270,000 shares, the short-interest ratio is presently 4.2 days.

Certara Price Performance

NASDAQ:CERT traded down $0.19 during trading hours on Thursday, hitting $10.52. 617,106 shares of the stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 789,036. The company has a market cap of $1.69 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of -53.55, a price-to-earnings-growth ratio of 5.52 and a beta of 1.51. Certara has a 1 year low of $9.99 and a 1 year high of $19.87. The stock has a 50 day moving average price of $10.95 and a 200 day moving average price of $13.56. The company has a quick ratio of 2.86, a current ratio of 2.86 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.28.

Certara (NASDAQ:CERTGet Free Report) last announced its quarterly earnings data on Wednesday, November 6th. The company reported $0.13 EPS for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.11 by $0.02. Certara had a positive return on equity of 3.43% and a negative net margin of 8.34%. The business had revenue of $94.80 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $95.51 million. During the same period in the previous year, the business earned $0.06 earnings per share. The business’s revenue was up 10.7% on a year-over-year basis. Sell-side analysts forecast that Certara will post 0.27 EPS for the current fiscal year.

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth

Several research firms recently commented on CERT. UBS Group upgraded Certara from a “neutral” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $16.00 price objective for the company in a report on Friday, September 27th. Barclays cut their price objective on Certara from $14.00 to $12.00 and set an “equal weight” rating for the company in a report on Thursday, November 7th. Finally, Robert W. Baird dropped their target price on Certara from $18.00 to $13.00 and set a “neutral” rating on the stock in a research report on Tuesday, November 5th. Six investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and two have issued a buy rating to the company. According to MarketBeat, the stock has an average rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $15.92.

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Insider Activity

In other Certara news, insider Leif E. Pedersen sold 51,224 shares of Certara stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, September 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $11.29, for a total transaction of $578,318.96. Following the transaction, the insider now directly owns 99,704 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $1,125,658.16. This trade represents a 0.00 % decrease in their ownership of the stock. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this hyperlink. In related news, insider Leif E. Pedersen sold 51,224 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction dated Monday, September 9th. The shares were sold at an average price of $11.29, for a total value of $578,318.96. Following the transaction, the insider now owns 99,704 shares in the company, valued at $1,125,658.16. The trade was a 0.00 % decrease in their position. The sale was disclosed in a document filed with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink. Also, insider Patrick F. Smith sold 5,409 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, October 7th. The shares were sold at an average price of $11.03, for a total transaction of $59,661.27. Following the sale, the insider now owns 50,091 shares in the company, valued at approximately $552,503.73. The trade was a 0.00 % decrease in their position. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Corporate insiders own 2.39% of the company’s stock.

Institutional Trading of Certara

A number of hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in CERT. Blue Trust Inc. acquired a new position in shares of Certara during the 2nd quarter worth approximately $26,000. Innealta Capital LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Certara during the 2nd quarter worth $36,000. KBC Group NV raised its holdings in Certara by 48.2% in the 3rd quarter. KBC Group NV now owns 4,873 shares of the company’s stock valued at $57,000 after acquiring an additional 1,584 shares during the last quarter. Intech Investment Management LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Certara in the second quarter valued at $152,000. Finally, Algert Global LLC acquired a new position in Certara in the second quarter valued at $156,000. 73.96% of the stock is owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

About Certara

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Certara, Inc, together with its subsidiaries, provides software products and technology-enabled services to customers for biosimulation in drug discovery, preclinical and clinical research, regulatory submissions, and market access in the United States and internationally. It offers solutions for model-informed drug development, as well as biosimulation solution used to predict both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

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